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Creativity @ Work

The Next Impact Frontier

Spending resources on creativity might seem frivolous, the organizational equivalent of taking a pottery class. It’s anything but. Institutions from the UN Global Pulse, to UNHCR, to countless artists and activists and social justice warriors, are calling for a new era of creativity and imagination to fulfill the Sustainable Development Goals, address the polycrisis, and, we say, simply, to tap into the marvel that is human ability. This is because creativity and imagination vastly expands the repertoire of options and possibilities for remaking the things that are broken. 


To survive and excel, social impact organizations need to harness their full creative potential – that is, the creativity of ALL their staff. And at a time when globally, only 20% of employees are engaged with their work, eliciting the creativity of workers is also a key to retaining and getting the most from talent. 

"Aiming straight for innovation without developing the imaginative and creative powers on which it depends, would be like an athlete hoping to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games but with no intention of exercising beforehand."


— Ken Robinson, Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative

How can we help?

First Steps

Unlike training on say, impact assessment, diversity equity and inclusion, or compliance, the need for creativity “training” can be unclear to teams and organizations. We can help you take small steps, through tools like our Creativity Game, the Whispering Door discussion for identifying individual creative practices, or the From Roads to Air mind reboot. 

Creativity Culture-Building

Fertile soil can grow just about anything; similarly, building a team or organizational culture that nourishes creativity is the most effective way to make your organization mighty in churning out new and more effective solutions. 

GenAI Creative Sparks Workshop

Everyone’s talking about GenAI but few are talking about one of its most fascinating uses – assisting and speeding up the ideation and idea-growing process in organizations. We can help you make GenAI your go-to creative helper. 

Trailblazing and Thought Leadership

Your creativity can help make you a trailblazer and thought leader and give your work a distinct flavor in an expanse of vanilla outputs. We can help you ideate on the trailblazing work and its creative implementation, and translate this work into thought leadership.

Does your team have a culture of creativity?

Take this quiz to find out!

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